15% off thru Sunday, Creative Explosion Part Deux and “HOW DO YOU DO THAT?”

15% off Thru Sunday! I decided to extend my 15% off discount through this Sunday, Mother’s Day!  Use code SPNMAMA and you’ll get 15% off! Did you also know that whenever you make a purchase from my shop you’ll receive … Continue reading

Creative Explosion, One Hit Wonders, and Mother’s Day is Nigh,

Creative Explosion Wow, y’all! Having a break between conventions has been an incredibly productive time for me!  The past two weeks have been nothing short of a creative explosion! Thought I’d show y’all what I’ve been up to lately by … Continue reading

Newsletter Revamp, Mama’s Day is Nigh, and AKF Reality Check

I am so super excited to announce that my newsletter is going to be handled by the lovely Natalie Bannister!


I met Natalie and her now husband, Tony in DenverCon last year.  Her husband had approached me asking me to design an engagement ring, as he was going to surprise Natalie by proposing to her on stage during Tahmoh Penikett’s panel – and to his word – HE DID!

Natalie Ring

Natalie wearing her Gadreel-inspired engagement ring – and I LOVE her wedding ring!

Natalie and Tony approached me in VegasCon and announced they had just gotten married – I’m soooo happy for this lovely couple!


Tony is an EPIC Crowley cosplayer – here he is as Good Doggie Crowley!

She and I hit it off from the gate and in my search for my newsletter ninja and I knew within the first 5 minutes of speaking with her that she was the perfect fit.

Please follow both Natalie on Tony on Twitter – she’s @hufflecas and he’s @CrowleyInSales

Starting Monday, 4/18, Natalie will be handling all of my newsletter needs but I’ll still be the point of contact.

If you’d like to be a Newsletter Peep – you’ll have access to sales before the general public, you’ll get special deals only available to Newsletter Peeps, and find out about my newest designs before everyone else – just email me eldwenne@yahoo.com and make sure to include your birthday – I’ll be sending you a special gift around your birthday!

Mother’s Day is May 8 – if you’d like to have something delivered in time for Mother’s Day – make sure your order is placed NO LATER THAN April 25! Any orders received afterwards cannot be guaranteed for Mother’s Day delivery.

AKF Reality Check

It’s with a very heavy heart that I have to write this – it’s come to my attention that there are people out there that are abusing the Always Keep Fighting message.

The abuse is coming in the form of stealing other artists’ designs and using them for profit.

Some of these artists weren’t even selling there wares, they were spending money out of their own pocket and giving their items away at conventions – but people stole their ideas and decided to sell what didn’t belong to them on sites such as etsy.

And to add insult to injury – these people aren’t even DONATING their ill-gotten gains.

AKF Stainless Steel 1 inch

Always Keep Fighting’s message runs so much deeper than mental health awareness – it’s about the heart of the SPNFamily and while not everyone has these struggles that AKF lends its support to – everyone in the SPNFamily should respect what AKF is about and put greed, attention-seeking, and negativity aside.

I’m an approved AKF fundraiser.  I donate 50% of each AKF item’s sale to To Write Love on Her Arms.  The other 50% is used to cover fees I get charged and the materials needed to make the items. I was up front with this when I pitched my proposal to fundraiser when Jared first launched his campaign over a year ago and it was approved with enthusiasm.

I’m pleading with the SPNFamily to please be aware of where you are buying your AKF gear.  Please vet out the seller or site you are considering purchasing from.  I understand some of the merchandise is cool, fun, or hell, you just want it.  But in order to maintain the integrity of the AKF message, please consider how your purchase will impact the AKF mission.

Think about how Jared, Jensen, or Misha would feel knowing their message is being pretty much pirated for profit – I know it breaks my heart.

Just remember why AKF was started – what can YOU do to make a difference?

Tell me what AKF means to you – email me eldwenne@yahoo.com between 4/17/16-4/23/16 – I will choose the top three responses and feature them in next week’s blog

Thanks, y’all!


Shit People Say to Me in the Vendor’s Room Volume III, What’s in a Name? and Looking for a Volunteer!

Here come the latest gems, y’all! DCCon was full of experiences, most of them quite fantastic, and other moments, well…read on! As always, let me preface this by saying I’m sure none of these things were said with maliciousness, at … Continue reading

Shit People Say to Me in the Vendor’s Room Volume 2

Yes, it’s that time of the month again – no, not THAT! Although it might seem that way after you read this one… This is a short but sweet post – just needed to get it out there! So it’s … Continue reading

Highlighting My Charity Pieces

One of the things I love most of all about my #SPNFamily is how giving and compassionate y’all are. I am very honored to be able to contribute my part and have been approved to do work for several organizations … Continue reading

Shit People Say to Me in the Vendor’s Room

I absolutely love meeting people at the Supernatural conventions – it’s the highlight of working at them. I get to know you better, you ask me about my process, my inspirations, I get to learn what you like and you … Continue reading

Passion for Houston, Awesome New SPN Characters, and Goodies for 2016


Three years ago I was looking at starting my dream of making my jewelry designs my career.  Starting my business from the ground up.

While I still have a way to go to get my business where it needs to be in order for it to be stable, I’m finally able to do this full time.  Who do I have to thank? Every single one of you who have been there for me, who believed in me, and even if you couldn’t buy something, you always told me how much you wanted to.

Kelcy Yount is a woman who is driven.  She knows exactly what she wants for Passion Earth Collections and breathes, eats, sleeps it every single day.  I want Kelcy, a lovely member of our SPNFamily to achieve her goal of growing her business so she can support herself and her beautiful family consisting of her husband and her son, Ethan.

The final leap of faith is happening and Kelcy needs our support to get her business underway.  The first thing she needs to do is get to Houston Con to help her establish a solid customer base.

You can help her get there by donating to her GoFundMe campaign – I’m donating the perks!

If you donate $10 you get a free Supernatural keyring from me!

If you donate $25 you’ll get a free stamped piece from me!

If you donate $50 you’ll be a guest on my Supernatural-themed livestream show So Get This!!

If you’re unable to donate, you can always share Go Fund Me Campaign

You can also see Kelcy’s work here in her Passion Earth shop


All items pictured (except Hocus Pocus) are available now in my etsy shop

‘Into the Mystic’ was such a great episode for several reasons.  One that blew my and my daughter Raven’s minds was the character Eileen, portrayed by Shoshannah Stern.

Eileen is a hunter who is hearing impaired.  As most of y’all know, Raven was born deaf and has cochlear implants.  When Raven saw Eileen and realized she was also deaf, she and I were so excited and grateful to the Supernatural team for creating this amazing hero.

Not only is Eileen a hunter, but she’s a grounded person who is true to herself.  She inspired me to create a piece called “Eileen’s Focus”


Another character I was so excited to see was Mildred, portrayed by the perfection that is Dee Wallace.

I strongly believe that her character was based on her own personality, thrumming with positivity and sage advice.  Mildred inspired this piece called, “Mildred’s Sunset”


2016 – Making it My Bitch!

Yes, that’s my motto for 2016 – “Make 2016 Your Bitch!” (because I’m classy like that)

2016 is going to be chock-ful of branching into new and undiscovered territory for me.

I’m starting to get my pieces into films, which I am very pleased about.  I currently have a piece in the upcoming short film ‘Homeowner’ -written by Natalie Kruijen, directed by Ryan Curtis, and starring Briana Buckmaster!

Briana Homeowner

I was personally asked by the Hillywood Sisters to replicate Bette Midler’s character Winifred’s jewelry for their Hocus Pocus parody:

Hocus Pocus 2

And lots of stuff in store for my weekly livestream show So Get This!  I’ve got several major kick ass guests I’m working on scheduling (they’ve committed to doing the show, but I can’t announce them until we’ve got a date booked!), as well as an epic idea I have to credit to my husband, Merrill.

We were talking about how much fun the interview I had with Justin Daube was (he’s the cosplayer I interviewed on So Get This while he was in character as Castiel and can be seen here: https://youtu.be/GZmYWf9k29Y) and Merrill said I should have other cosplayers on as well and interview them in character and hold contests!

Are you a serious cosplayer who can not only walk the walk but talk the talk?  Email me jodizulueta@gmail.com with SO GET THIS COSPLAY in the subject line. I  will contact you to schedule an audition we will do via google hangouts!

If you are selected to be interviewed on the show, you will be put into a contest after each of the interviews have aired to see who the viewers will choose as So Get This Cosplay Champion!
The winner will receive goodies to be announced at a future time!

Another thing I’ve been working on for 2016 is branching out into other fandoms such as The Walking Dead (which I’ve been doing for years  but not dedicating a lot of time to it), Once Upon a Time, and of course, Star Wars including the original trilogy and Star Wars the Force Awakens.

Within the coming week or so I will be debuting an X-Files line!  So stay tuned!


If you’d like to receive daily newsletters telling you what’s going on in Eldwenne’s Fantasy, send an email with ADD ME in the subject line.  You’ll get a 20% off coupon code that’s valid now through midnight tomorrow night, 1/31!  Restrictions apply so please read the rules posted in my shop announcement at the top of my etsy shop!

If you refer a friend to subscribe to my newsletter, make sure you tell them to include your name in the email so I can send you a special discount!

Eldwenne Book Submission Deadline!

I’m compiling a book of photos of y’all wearing my gear!  The submission deadline is 1/31 and you’ll be in fantastic company with the likes of Kim Rhodes, Briana Buckmaster, Ruth Connell, JARED PADALECKI AND JENSEN ACKLES, and MORE!

Email your photos to Eldwenne@Yahoo.com with Eldwenne Book in the subject line or tweet them to me @eldwenne with #eldwennebook

Thanks y’all!





ABQComicCon and Why Lisa Berry is a Goddess

Albuquerque ComicCon – the final frontier.  These are the voyages of Passion Earth Collections and Eldwenne’s Fantasy.  Seeking out new customers and new fangirling experiences. To boldly go where…oh you know where I’m going with this! Passion Earth Collections aka … Continue reading

An Open Letter to Han Solo



It was 1977.  My parents had separated and I was a six year old girl being bounced between mother and father like a hot potato.

Me in 1977.jpg

Me in 1977 – not the best quality pic, but hey – I’m lucky to have this one.  Stepmother threw away my baby pics. Read on.


My father stopped by to pick me up one weekend and announced he was taking me to the movies.  Well, AWESOME, because I had my heart set on watching ‘Sinbad and the Eye of the Golden Tiger.’

“No, Jodi.  We’re going to go watch Star Wars.”

“Um, what is that?”

“It’s a brand new movie that just came out and I know you’re going to love it.”

“No – I don’t know what that is.  I wanna see ‘Sinbad’!”

And so this went on for about 10 minutes or so, until my dad dragged my ungrateful ass into the car and we drove into New York City to watch this terrible life-ruining movie that I never heard of.

We arrived at the theater, I grabbed my program (yes, they used to have movie programs back in those days) and decidedly pouted my way through the movie.  Until one particular scene came up onto the screen.

Han Solo. I’m captain of the Millennium Falcon. …

Han Cantina


I immediately sat upright in my seat, pulled my dad’s head down so I could whisper into his ear, “Dad! Who is THAT?!?”

And it was all downhill from there.  I was hooked.  I was a six year old girl in love with a fictional character old enough to be my dad.

But what was really interesting was that it was definitely more than a little girl’s crush on an obviously handsome actor’s portrayal of a character.

After watching Star Wars for who the hell knows how many times (yes, I managed to convince my father several times over how we needed to go watch it again), it became apparent to me that this was now my life.

Star Wars curtains hung in my bedroom at my mother’s apartment.  I had a Star Wars electric toothbrush. My bedspread and sheets matched my curtains. I had action figures galore (including 10 million Princess Leias. Princess Leia’s head always managed to break off for some reason) but the one action figure I never had was – HAN SOLO.  Irwin’s, the local toy store, never seemed to have them in stock.

This was before the interwebs, so it wasn’t like we could ebay it or something.

My husband DID manage to get my first Han Solo action figure for me when I was about 30 at a comic con!

Anyway, I digress.

I did manage to have quite a few of the figures.  My dad had his own pharmacy at the time and he had this weird little section where he was selling brass doll furniture and other brass oddities.

Well I convinced him I needed the little brass bicycle and the brass table and chair set. I mean where else was Darth Vader and Chewie going to be able to enjoy tea together?? Really!

Comic books became my bible.  I plowed through those things and couldn’t wait for the next trip to the comic book shop.

Then life took a horrible left turn and stayed in that direction for years to come.

My mother died that year.  She was only 27 and the circumstances around the death are still not closed. I was thrust into my dad’s life full time.  We did ok in his 1 bedroom apartment.

He bought me a bunny.  I named him Peter, because I was so original like that. Peter became quick friends with my cat, Camus, or Moo Cat for short.  Which isn’t actually shorter but it worked for me.

I had a handful of my comics with me, as well as my umpteenth Princess Leia action figure (damn head popped off all the time), my Darth Vader, and my R2D2. I pretended they were family and went on picnics at the brass table.  And this was before we knew Darth Vader was Leia’s father, mind  you!  I was so insightful, even back then!  Well, maybe not, but you get my gist.

Immersing myself in Star Wars helped me cope with the death of my mother because I had no closure.  My father could barely take care of himself.  But Han Solo?  He excelled at taking care of himself.  And was a hero doing it.

Don’t get me wrong – Princess Leia was my idol.  She’s strong, smart, and a leader.

But Han – Han also had all of these qualities but was an outsider.  Like me.  He didn’t fit in.  He didn’t WANT to.  He needed to get by, get his shit done, and to hell with everyone else. Like me.

Kids in school were horrible.  Because of the mystery around my mother’s death, the kids used to think it would be very amusing to them to make up how they think she must have died and taunt me with them.

“She choked on a chicken bone!”

“She was a drug addict!”

“She couldn’t stand you, so she killed herself!”

Those are a few of the gems that stayed in my memory.

I really REALLY needed to get the rest of my Star Wars toys and memorabilia out of my mother’s apartment.  It was a necessity at this point.  I was falling apart and I knew that living vicariously through Han Solo’s adventures would put me back together again.

One day at the dinner table, I said, “Dad, when can we go back to my old place and get all my Star Wars stuff?”

My dad got a weird look on his face.  He took a deep breath and said, “It’s gone.  The landlord didn’t want to wait for us, so he threw everything out.”

I felt like my world was ripped from me yet again.  I mourned the loss of my mother and now the loss of the only world that helped me get through the loss of my mother.

A year or so went by and my father in his phobia of being without a woman in his life moved us in with a woman who had two sons from a previous marriage.  One was a year older, one was 7 years younger.

We all moved into a new place together and I really looked forward to having a family again.  I never had siblings and I thought it was the coolest thing to have brothers.

Within a week of moving in together, my father’s wife made her opinion of me very clear.

Police and CPS were frequent visitors to our home.  But because of her father being a prominent figure in the police department, nothing ever came of those reports.

School would send me to the nurse constantly to check my bruises, my scratches, and eventually, my behavior.  I started to rebel in school because I had no control anywhere else in my life.

I began finding my baby pictures and my mother’s pictures in the garbage.  She was throwing them away systemically, so that they weren’t all gone all at once. I was being erased.

I tried reaching out to my dad to tell him what was going on, both with me and what she was doing to our family’s history, and he didn’t believe me.

Of course it never happened with him home.  He was working three jobs because she refused to work one and his paltry salary as a pharmacist in a mom and pop pharmacy could barely support him and me, let alone three others.

So he was never home.

I did manage to start collecting more Star Wars comics and at this point The Empire Strikes Back was out in the theaters – reinvigorating my obsession and helping me escape into the world of Hoth, Cloud City, and WHAT??

Han Solo is frozen in carbonite and THE CREDITS ARE ROLLING?? WHAT???

Boba Fett Carbonite Screen Cap

Isn’t anyone gonna STOP this MF?? The movie’s almost over!!


I was stunned. I couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that they let him go with Boba Fett.  They abandoned him, in my mind.  The way I felt abandoned.

Then Return of the Jedi comes along and thank FUCK within the first 20 minutes that shit got resolved.  There was no way I was sitting though this movie without Han Solo being alive, snarky, and waving that damn blaster around.

The rest of my teen years were spent in not very good ways.  I won’t get into details here, but when the Star Wars movies stopped coming, I focused my energies in not healthy ways.  I needed to get out of the horrible home situation.

WWHD – What would Han do? Well, I think for one he’d have stuck his middle finger up at the world and went his merry way.  Which is pretty much what I did.


Ok, not quite giving the finger, but you know the power of the Ford finger


Fast-fowarding decades into the present.  I’m middle aged, married, four children, three cats, one guinea pig, and a jewelry business.

Going to see Star Wars The Force Awakens was a religious experience for us.

We prepped the kids by having three days of original triology immersion, in order.  Do NOT get me started on the prequels.  I adore Ewan McGregor with all my heart but there’s nothing in my mind that can save those movies.

I managed to stay spoiler-free! Not ONE single factoid – true/false or otherwise made it through my senses!

We arrived at the IMAX theater, thankfully still spoiler-free.  I even went to the lengths of covering my eyes and ears in the lobby so I wouldn’t see people’s faces or hear their comments as they exited the theater.  Yup.

As I sat through the movie with my family, enjoying the looks on their faces, it really came full circle for me.

Until one pivotal moment.  SPOILER ALERT!!!



The moment Han walked onto that bridge, I knew it wasn’t going to end well.  I had ‘a bad feeling about this’.

As I saw the blade emerge from his back, I gasped, audibly.  I covered my mouth with my hands.  I stayed in that position as I watched Han place his hand on his son’s face tenderly, then fall off the bridge into oblivion.

I felt as if I fell into oblivion with him, my thoughts spiraling.  Waiting for some miraculous rescue and a medic droid to make it all better. It never came.

He didn’t get the burial he deserved.  No one said any last words on his behalf.  He was simply…gone.

Han Solo left this world without closure.  As did my mom.  Ironic, isn’t it? Yes, I do realize Han Solo is a fictional character.  However, if you read through this post, you’ll understand Han Solo’s significance in my life.

So without further ado, here is my letter to Han Solo:

Dear Han,

Your sense of survival, your quick wit, and your heart really changed my life forever from the first moment you appeared on screen when I was a  6 year old little girl.

I lost myself in your adventures through an incredibly difficult childhood up through my teens, and even through my 20s.

Now, a middle-aged woman with 4 kids, I find myself in mourning of the character that swooped in on the Millennium Falcon, helped save the galaxy, as well as this little girl at heart.

You will be remembered as being a scoundrel, a mercenary, a general, a mighty opponent, a survivor, and my hero.

May the Force be with you, Han Solo.


Here are some Han Solo-inspired pieces you will find in my shop eldwenne.etsy.com:

Han Shot First

Han Shot First

I Love You - I Know Necklace

I Love You – I Know


The Death of Han Solo 2

The Death of Han Solo



May the Force be with You