Passion for Houston, Awesome New SPN Characters, and Goodies for 2016


Three years ago I was looking at starting my dream of making my jewelry designs my career.  Starting my business from the ground up.

While I still have a way to go to get my business where it needs to be in order for it to be stable, I’m finally able to do this full time.  Who do I have to thank? Every single one of you who have been there for me, who believed in me, and even if you couldn’t buy something, you always told me how much you wanted to.

Kelcy Yount is a woman who is driven.  She knows exactly what she wants for Passion Earth Collections and breathes, eats, sleeps it every single day.  I want Kelcy, a lovely member of our SPNFamily to achieve her goal of growing her business so she can support herself and her beautiful family consisting of her husband and her son, Ethan.

The final leap of faith is happening and Kelcy needs our support to get her business underway.  The first thing she needs to do is get to Houston Con to help her establish a solid customer base.

You can help her get there by donating to her GoFundMe campaign – I’m donating the perks!

If you donate $10 you get a free Supernatural keyring from me!

If you donate $25 you’ll get a free stamped piece from me!

If you donate $50 you’ll be a guest on my Supernatural-themed livestream show So Get This!!

If you’re unable to donate, you can always share Go Fund Me Campaign

You can also see Kelcy’s work here in her Passion Earth shop


All items pictured (except Hocus Pocus) are available now in my etsy shop

‘Into the Mystic’ was such a great episode for several reasons.  One that blew my and my daughter Raven’s minds was the character Eileen, portrayed by Shoshannah Stern.

Eileen is a hunter who is hearing impaired.  As most of y’all know, Raven was born deaf and has cochlear implants.  When Raven saw Eileen and realized she was also deaf, she and I were so excited and grateful to the Supernatural team for creating this amazing hero.

Not only is Eileen a hunter, but she’s a grounded person who is true to herself.  She inspired me to create a piece called “Eileen’s Focus”


Another character I was so excited to see was Mildred, portrayed by the perfection that is Dee Wallace.

I strongly believe that her character was based on her own personality, thrumming with positivity and sage advice.  Mildred inspired this piece called, “Mildred’s Sunset”


2016 – Making it My Bitch!

Yes, that’s my motto for 2016 – “Make 2016 Your Bitch!” (because I’m classy like that)

2016 is going to be chock-ful of branching into new and undiscovered territory for me.

I’m starting to get my pieces into films, which I am very pleased about.  I currently have a piece in the upcoming short film ‘Homeowner’ -written by Natalie Kruijen, directed by Ryan Curtis, and starring Briana Buckmaster!

Briana Homeowner

I was personally asked by the Hillywood Sisters to replicate Bette Midler’s character Winifred’s jewelry for their Hocus Pocus parody:

Hocus Pocus 2

And lots of stuff in store for my weekly livestream show So Get This!  I’ve got several major kick ass guests I’m working on scheduling (they’ve committed to doing the show, but I can’t announce them until we’ve got a date booked!), as well as an epic idea I have to credit to my husband, Merrill.

We were talking about how much fun the interview I had with Justin Daube was (he’s the cosplayer I interviewed on So Get This while he was in character as Castiel and can be seen here: and Merrill said I should have other cosplayers on as well and interview them in character and hold contests!

Are you a serious cosplayer who can not only walk the walk but talk the talk?  Email me with SO GET THIS COSPLAY in the subject line. I  will contact you to schedule an audition we will do via google hangouts!

If you are selected to be interviewed on the show, you will be put into a contest after each of the interviews have aired to see who the viewers will choose as So Get This Cosplay Champion!
The winner will receive goodies to be announced at a future time!

Another thing I’ve been working on for 2016 is branching out into other fandoms such as The Walking Dead (which I’ve been doing for years  but not dedicating a lot of time to it), Once Upon a Time, and of course, Star Wars including the original trilogy and Star Wars the Force Awakens.

Within the coming week or so I will be debuting an X-Files line!  So stay tuned!


If you’d like to receive daily newsletters telling you what’s going on in Eldwenne’s Fantasy, send an email with ADD ME in the subject line.  You’ll get a 20% off coupon code that’s valid now through midnight tomorrow night, 1/31!  Restrictions apply so please read the rules posted in my shop announcement at the top of my etsy shop!

If you refer a friend to subscribe to my newsletter, make sure you tell them to include your name in the email so I can send you a special discount!

Eldwenne Book Submission Deadline!

I’m compiling a book of photos of y’all wearing my gear!  The submission deadline is 1/31 and you’ll be in fantastic company with the likes of Kim Rhodes, Briana Buckmaster, Ruth Connell, JARED PADALECKI AND JENSEN ACKLES, and MORE!

Email your photos to with Eldwenne Book in the subject line or tweet them to me @eldwenne with #eldwennebook

Thanks y’all!





ABQComicCon and Why Lisa Berry is a Goddess

Albuquerque ComicCon – the final frontier.  These are the voyages of Passion Earth Collections and Eldwenne’s Fantasy.  Seeking out new customers and new fangirling experiences. To boldly go where…oh you know where I’m going with this! Passion Earth Collections aka … Continue reading