I’m Baaaaack….

Wow, it’s been a looooong time! I want to be up front with y’all about something that’s been going on with me – I have been contending with a health issue, an auto-immune condition which affects my platelet count. It’s … Continue reading

Tennessee 6 Months Later, Not Being Afraid to Say No More, and What’s in a Name?

Has it really been SIX MONTHS??? Wow oh wow…so what happened in the past 6 months can be properly summarized as: I came, I saw, my ass has been thoroughly kicked.
Education is THE toughest field I’ve ever worked in. So tough that I needed to end that last sentence with a preposition and to not give a shit.  At least I balanced the previous sentence.  And I’m not even teaching English, I’m teaching math.

So all of you who know me can stop laughing RIGHT NOW.  Yup, I’m teaching math, so what? It gets better.  I’m teaching 5th grade math.  And 6th grade math.  And I co-teach 7th grade math.  Now for those of you who are not dead on the floor of side-splitting laughter, I’ll continue my bitching.

Now most of you know I used to teach at a homeless shelter.  That was a CAKEWALK compared to what I’m dealing with.  My students come from very harsh realities that no one should ever have to face. It’s heart-wrenching to see how children at the age of 10 are already so disillusioned with the world that they have built up callousness and ambivalence I’ve never encountered before in many of the adults I’ve taught.

Now take the teaching factor into consideration and what have you got?  A whole lot of heartache, self-doubt, and an emotional roller coaster from hell.

Add in the masters degree I was pursuing, a family, a husband who is disabled, and what have you got NOW?  Way too much on your plate.

I’ve learned so much about myself in the past six months and I’ve grown.  I learned that I don’t have to be the hero all the time, that I do need to recognize my limitations, and that it’s OK to walk away from something that isn’t right for me.

The results?  I’ve decided to not pursue my masters degree, which means that at the end of my two year commitment with Teach for America I most likely won’t be able to teach anymore since the licensure rules are changing for special education.

I don’t feel guilty, which was unexpected.  I feel liberated.  I spent over 20 years in corporate America living with a heavy heart, feeling like I had no choice, no options.  I will not do that to myself again.

I don’t regret moving down to Tennessee, I’m extremely happy down here.  I don’t regret teaching either, I just wish it was something that I felt better about.  They say the first year is always the hardest and I sure as shit believe it.  But it’s more than first year jitters.  I know myself well enough to know when something isn’t sitting well with me.  I can’t live my life striving to please those that will never be pleased.  I have to do what’s best for me.

So what does that mean for me after Teach for America?  No idea.  But I’ve been branching out a bit more with my jewelry, including partnering up with my best friend, Shannon Price to introduce a brand new line of t-shirts that we’re extremely proud of.  Yup, ended that one with a preposition too. (How sad is it that my personal affront to education is only as severe as bad grammar?)


Come check out our Supernatural Inspired t-shirts!  These babies can be purchased online now or I will be taking orders for them in person at SFCon in January!

Are you a Deanmon Girl??

Are you a Deanmon Girl??

I know I sure as shit would too!

I know I sure as shit would too!

Try not to cry while wearing this one

Try not to cry while wearing this one

I know it definitely had an impact on mine - tell us about how it saved yours!

I know it definitely had an impact on mine – tell us about how it saved yours!

This line is the epitome of the bond between the boys

This line is the epitome of the bond between the boys

Well, do you?

Well, do you?

How many times in our lives would it have been awesome to hear this? Well, the "for the right reasons" part.  Heard plenty of the "you were stupid"....

How many times in our lives would it have been awesome to hear this? Well, the “for the right reasons” part. Heard plenty of the “you were stupid”….

Now back to my crankiness – I’ve been getting some flack about the names I choose for my Supernatural inspired jewelry.

I get messages on etsy, even people approaching me at conventions, telling me my names are wrong, they don’t agree with them, I mustn’t watch the show, blah blah blah.

I thought maybe it’d be helpful to articulate exactly what I do when I work on a Supernatural Inspired piece of jewelry.

Please note that I call these pieces ‘Supernatural Inspired.’

Each of the characters on the show affect me in some way, as I assume they do most fans.  Each piece takes an extraordinary amount of time to develop, design, and fine tune before it’s something I considered to be finished.

So exactly what am I doing when I’m developing, designing and fine-tuning?  I’m taking a character that I’m connecting with and thinking about an aspect of that character that’s resonating with me.  For example, let’s talk about The Tenacity of Dean Winchester – the first Dean piece I ever created.

Dean Winchester radiates with courage, perseverance, and true grit.  The one word that pulls these words together for me is tenacity.

I chose the color green for Dean not because of his eyes, like so many people assume, it’s much deeper than that.  For me, the color green represents bravery, steadfastness, and truth.  Qualities that I associate with the character.

Dean’s weapon of choice is his gun, thus to pay homage to the character I chose to include a pistol. Dean would never go anywhere without it and neither would this piece.

The one common thread that most of my pieces have is the wrapped strands that appear to be chaotic but are actually controlled.

The reason for that?  While each of the characters have their set ways and personalities, as we’ve all learned over the years about these characters is that nothing is ever static, everything can change.  The variety in the lines; their appearance of being random, is actually quite deliberate on my part.

Back to my point – for someone to come up to me and say that I shouldn’t name a piece what I’ve named it – well, that’s the same as walking up to someone and telling them you don’t agree with what they’ve named their kid.  They have their reasons, personal or not so personal as to why they chose the name they did.  As do I.

Each piece is made with my heart and so much intention to represent MY interpretation of the characters.  Hey, don’t get me wrong – I’m always up for healthy debates.  There have been fans who approach me at cons and ASK me why I named a piece what I did and we talk about it.  But then there are people who just outright TELL me I’m “wrong”, “don’t you watch the show” or have a snarky “if you watched episode 6.2 and freeze framed it at precisely 32.5 minutes in, you’ll clearly see that you’re wrong.”  The shoot first and maybe if I feel like it I’ll ask questions later attitude.  It’s hurtful, uncalled for, and definitely not what the SPN Family is all about.

Everyone is entitled to their own interpretation, so let’s please show each other respect.  I’m not saying don’t ever ask me about my work – I am HONORED to be asked about it – nothing warms me more than having people care enough to ask me about my process, why did I make the piece, etc.  What I am saying is that if you don’t like strangers approaching you and telling you something that’s dear to you is wrong, please don’t do it to someone else.

I’m happy to say that 99% of my encounters with fans are wonderful, amazing, and I’ve made lifelong friends of many of them.  The 1% that were hurtful were pretty damn hurtful, and one was as recent as yesterday, hence my post.

Lastly, my best friend, Shannon, (designer of the amazing t-shirts!) said this to me, “bc you are an artist, the negativity is a catalyst to create more beautiful work.  Name your next piece ‘go fuck yourself’” – ok, I MIGHT not use that title, but she’s absolutely right and I’ve been taking this to heart and have been creating MANY new pieces!

Come say hi to the newest in my Supernatural Inspired series:

The Initiation of Sheriff Donna

The Initiation of Sheriff Donna

The Guile of Rowena

The Guile of Rowena

The Fortitude of Jo Harvelle

The Fortitude of Jo Harvelle

The Devotion of Ellen Harvelle

The Devotion of Ellen Harvelle

The Propriety of Death

The Propriety of Death

The Soul of Sam Winchester Earrings!

The Soul of Sam Winchester Earrings!

The Soul of Sam Winchester Ring

The Soul of Sam Winchester Ring

Sam and Dean Winchester Brotherly Bond

Sam and Dean Winchester Brotherly Bond

I’ll be in San Francisco next month and I hope to see you! Sigh…so good to be back!

SPN Family Feature: Erin and an Epic Oscar-Worthy Thank You Speech from Me to You

Erin is best known as @SPNCrossroad across social media like Twitter, where I first met this woman who inspires me to greatness. Her story demonstrates yet another soul who embodies the SPN Family culture; caring, selflessness, charitableness, and a genuine compassionate need to do for others.

Without further do, I give you Erin!

Erin's Avatar of Awesomeness

Erin’s Avatar of Awesomeness

Thank you, Jodi, for this opportunity to share my story.

Hi, I’m Erin (Hi, Erin) And I am an addict. #Supernatural (for Robbie)

Four years ago, my 3 children & I settled into our very own home. I had gotten a great private-contracting job for more $$ than I’ve ever earned, so we were able to live comfortably and peacefully, just the 4 of us, for the first time ever.  Then 4 1/2 months later, I fell ill… deathly ill.  Dozens of tests and tons o’doctors later, I resigned myself to the fact that I wasn’t going to be around much longer.

December 2012: I found the first 6 seasons of Supernatural cheap. BOOM!! Something new to watch!!  I binge watched, fell in love, then started a tumblr & twitter to fangirl with others at the beginning of March 2013. (Jodi here: just needed to say that must’ve been a magical time because it was around early  2013 that I became a Supernatural fan as well!)

A week later, Doc found a tumor. Another month later I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Metastatic Papillary Thyroid Cancer. With 2 surgeries & radioactive iodine, I was “cured” by August, but still wasn’t improving. My #SPNFamily was there to support & encourage me through all of it.

Fast forward to just a month ago.  The doctors finally figured out what was wrong.  My gallbladder was deteriorating, so it was finally removed after 3 1/2 yrs of sufferingl!!  It’s taking me a while to bounce back, but I’m a survivor.

I want to give back to all the wonderful people who have been there every step of the way.  On my 40th Birthday, May 31, 2014, I will be launching the #SPNFamily Roadhouse Project.

I am selling my house and procuring a bus to use in bringing the #SPNFamily to Conventions and other Supernatural Fan Events!!  This project will be completely run on donations.  I hope to raise enough money to be able to buy tickets for and transport our family members who can not go to cons because of health complications or financial need.

I run many fansites across all social media, so you can probably find me everywhere, especially if you Google me.

Jodi here again: I wanted to point out Erin’s FABULOUS creative cursor usage.  For example, supernaturalcrossroad.tumblr.com uses a regal pair of wings.  Supernatural-crossroad.tumblr.com uses a badass impala.  Jared-padalecki-makes-me-happy.tumblr.com uses a moose.

This is not a comprehensive list of Erin’s awesomeness.  Please contact her on twitter @SPNCrossroads and she will be able to give you links to her other works!

PLEASE follow her amazing effort, The SPNFamily Roadhouse Project on Twitter with hashtag #SPNFamilyRoadhouse 







Supernaturalcrossroad.com is still under construction

SPN Crossroads Tumblr

Jodi: What are other creative outlets you have?

I’m a graphic and interior designer and I’ve remodeled many homes. Most of my creative outlet since falling ill has been building websites and stocking them with the best of Supernatural.

Jodi: What draws you to handmade jewelry as opposed to store-bought, factory manufactured pieces?

Working with my hands I can completely appreciate the hard work and love and pride that goes into building something yourself.
Jodi: What types of pieces stand out to you, for example, wire work, crystals, etc. and why?

I like silver.  Medieval pieces. Intricate patterns.  Unique styles. Anything fit for a Queen!! 😉
Jodi: Is there something specific about Eldwenne’s Fantasy – Quality Handmade Jewelry by Jodi Zulueta that stands out to you? (Don’t be afraid to say no, Lol!)

YES!!  Each piece is gorgeous and so lovingly fashioned and creatively named!! But the stand out aspect is you, Jodi!!  We hit it off right from the start and you’ve been so sweet and generous to my daughter and me.  The fact that you messaged me while on a plane still makes me smile.  Love ya, Girlie, and can’t wait to see ya at a Con!! ❤ ~Erin Jodi here: We are two peas in a pod, m’lady!! Looking forward to seeing YOU!!

Jodi: I’m back. THANK YOU to Erin for an amazing, inspiring post.  Please follow @tuestwopodcast as Erin will be on the 7th episode airing next week where she will talk more about her Roadhouse Project!!!

Erin truly embodies what SPN Family is.  Here is a woman who has gone through so much and is channeling her energies into making dreams realities for others.

I’m beyond proud and honored to be considered a friend of Erin’s.  Please find it in your heart to help get the Roadhouse Project its due.  If you can’t donate, share, spread the word.  You’ll be helping her help others, in true SPN Family fashion.

Shifting gears a little, I’m writing this post from the home of my aunt Elysse in Murfreesboro, Tennessee.  I’m on a weekend break from my first week of being with my TFA Greater Nashville Corps members over at Lipscomb University, where I will be living through mid-July.

I will then be staying with my aunt through July 18, then back home to New Jersey. I’ll be helping finalize moving my family back here, to our new home state of Tennessee.

This has been a journey filled with challenges I’ve never faced before; a husband falling ill and being unable to help him, losing my job and being unemployed for the first time in my life, finding out who my real friends and family are, dealing with severe bullying of my son, building my jewelry business up online and in the Supernatural convention circuit, taking Praxis exams that made me want to give up on ever becoming a teacher, desperately trying to get hired by the Metro Nashville Public School system, and coordinating a multi-state move consisting of a husband, three kids, and two cats.

The past week of being with Teach for America has really been life-changing for me.

Remember the hiring fair I went to in April that ended up with zilch? I had strike two this past Thursday at another hiring fair.

On Thursday night, one of the TFA staff members, Katie, asked me if I would consider going on an interview with Dr. Dunaway at a middle school for a 7th grade special education position.  Sure, why not.

I did the interview and went back to Lipscomb University so I could finish the rest of my day of training.  About an hour after I arrived at Lipscomb, Katie came over to me and asked me how everything went.

“It went great.  Like the 13 other interviews I did but never heard back on.”

“Ok, that’s great because Dr. Dunaway recommended you for hire.”

I am now going to be a special education teacher for 7th grade at Two Rivers Middle School in Nashville, Tennessee.  This is one of my proudest achievements and I can’t even articulate how I feel at this moment – too excited for words!

Next on the agenda – finding a place for us all to live!!!  We’re looking to live in Murfreesboro so if ya’ll got a place to rent, LET ME KNOW!!

And the Oscar goes to....ALL OF YOU!!!!

And the Oscar goes to….ALL OF YOU!!!!

So I warned you in the title of this post that there was going to be an Oscar-worthy epic thank you speech.  I know I’m going to forget some people. Please know it’s not intentional or a reflection of how I feel – I’m overwhelmed with a million things and I’m doing my best to ensure everyone understands how they are appreciated – I can’t thank everyone enough!!! This list is in no specific order and also in no way encompasses/articulates my full gratitude.

Merrill: my husband, my staunch supporter.  I wouldn’t have been able to do ANY of these things without your support

David: my oldest son, my voice of reason and the one who talked me off of many ledges

Vi: David’s girlfriend and the most beautiful woman on the planet, inside and out

Jaden: your spirit, your trust in me always keeps me going

Phoenix: your laughter is light and you ALWAYS make me smile

Raven: your pure inner and outer beauty and inquisitive soul ground me

Dad: for letting go when I know how hard this is for you

Elysse and Bearl: you showed me love and put the spark in me to chase my dream to Tennessee, opened your home to me, and are always helping me in my journey

My cousins Alexis, Zane, Jaclyn, Leo, Berry, Kyle, Jenny, Lindsay, Dara, Leslie, Matt, Andrew, Daniel – all of you are the best friends I could ever ask for and I’m so lucky to have you in my life

Doree and Jeff: you always talk me through the moments of panic, the self-doubt, and always have heaps of love to help me through everything

Fran:  always giving me insight, great times, and being there for me.  Your realism is grounding.

My in-laws: Mom, Carlo, Diana, Maryanne, Joel, Christopher, Belle, Kenny, Robin, Billy, Noel, Cynthia, Tita Ida, Tita Lydia – you all are going to be why leaving Jersey City is going to be hard for us.  Please know we all love you and will do everything we can to see each other as often as humanly possible.

Lisa B – you are not only Raven’s audiologist, not only my friend, but family.  Thank you for being your amazing self.

Shannon – I’m convinced you and I were sisters or best friends in another life.  You’re always there for me, you always give amazing advice, and I love you for it.  And Callum is the most delicious baby.

Julie Anne R.: You never stopped pushing me, reminding me that I need to stop living in fear and go after what makes me happy.  You’re a role model of the quintessential kick-ass business woman that I strive to be.

Kim R.: You hardly know me yet you championed for me like you were my partner in crime from my high school days (minus the underage drinking episodes).  I owe you a drink at the next con.

Robin Lyon – a customer that has become a lifelong friend

Mitch Kosterman – you kick ass with the amazing things you do for the fans and I’m honored that you spent the time to interview me.  Honored to be your friend.

Maki – being continents apart never made our friendship weak – I love you for that

Chris Schmelke – you’re a and one of the kindest people I know

Rachel, Kendra, Kim C, Suzanne V: Holy fuckshit, ladies!! Ya’ll put up with me for YEARS.  Never stopped believing in me. We soooo need a PCA get together!!

Ruthee – my big sister.  Insightful, encouraging, and writes the most incredible emails that make me feel like we’re having coffee together.  Love you.

Ana Marie – the soul who is always there for me with encouragement, a pic of Winston to make me laugh, and advice to get me through the stress at all hours of the night – I always can count on you, baby

Kat – my partner, the writer extraordinaire – you’re so patiently waiting for me to get my life in order so that we can work on greatness together – thank you and I promise I’m almost there now J Love you.

Chad Lindberg – you made the time to support my jewelry and that means the world to me

Leticia Serafin – if it weren’t for you I wouldn’t be where I am with my jewelry on the convention circuit – I’ll see ya in VanCon!!

Kae Winters- for being a role model for what we need to strive to be as human beings and always do random acts of kindness

Abby Levine – always posts encouraging words on my work and is a creative powerhouse

Judy, Adina, Melstiel, Ally, Jenna, Bonnie, Carrie Anderson, Carrie Oakes, Jenn Geraghty, Kelly, Lorraine – do I NEED to spell out all of the kick-ass support you give me on a daily basis??  Of course I do!  You ladies inspire me to do my best every single day. You constantly encourage me and it’s why I’m continuing with my jewelry business and selling at the cons – LOVE YOU!!!

Trina, Kim M, and all of my amazing people that I talk to on FB – You are all freaking incredible and you need to recognize your awesomeness! THANK YOU!!

Merillat for being a shoulder to cry on when the Hiring Fair bummed me out

Dominque for driving me to the interview that changed my life as well as listening to my neuroses the whole ride there and back

Mary Ann Sayson – I always look forward to your uplifting posts and sweetness on FB.  You’re angelic.

Anie – You rock more than you can ever imagine.  You encourage me to keep going and that’s exactly what I’m-a-gonna-do.  I’ll see you in VanCon, baby!

Katie and Bella – best VanCon roomies and now friends!  You showed me that I can have a great time once the vendor’s room is closed for the day and you never made me feel old enough to be your mother.  And I am old enough to be your mother.

My new TFA friends Erica, Nichole, Lisa, Jen, Misty, Awa…We’re all in this together and we can rock this!

I know there are so many other people that I forgot to mention and I apologize profusely.  Please know that I appreciate everyone and that there is no way I could be doing what I’m doing now without you. I am overwhelmed in the most amazing way.

Ok, the fat lady is singing, so we move on…next week I will be featuring a beautiful artist who specializes in making leather bracelets!  I can’t wait to share that with ya’ll!!
And don’t forget that I’m having a major-ass sale on Castiel’s Grace set and The Tenacity of Dean Winchester set!!  You can get each set for $120 each!  The sets are normally $131 each, so grab ‘em up before midnight, June 15 when the prices go back up!

Castiel's Grace set is currently on sale for $120!

Castiel’s Grace set is currently on sale for $120!


The Tenacity of Dean Winchester set is currently on sale for $120!!

The Tenacity of Dean Winchester set is currently on sale for $120!!




Until next week!!

Customer Feature: Kelly W and Two Weeks to Nashville!

Jodi: This week’s post is a feature on the lovely Kelly W of Milton Keynes, UK!  Kelly had contacted me recently asking for specific custom pieces and I was so thrilled to work with her on her items!  

Kelly – the floor is yours, baby!

The beautiful Kelly rocking her Eldwenne's Fantasy gear!

The beautiful Kelly rocking her Eldwenne’s Fantasy gear!

First off, my name is Kelly Winafred Work, I am a mum of 1 little boy named Marc who will be 5 in July. I have been with my other half Darren for 8 years now we have a cat called Scarlet.


Kelly's son, Marc and her other half, Darren

Kelly’s son, Marc and her other half, Darren

Kelly's kitty Scarlet - who looks like my kitty Molly's doppleganger!

Kelly’s kitty Scarlet – who looks like my kitty Molly’s doppleganger!

Molly aka the US Scarlet

Molly aka the US Scarlet

I don’t work as I’m a full time mum home schooling my son (Jodi here – um, THAT’S WORK, Kelly!  Hats off to ya!)

We live in Milton Keynes, UK. My favorite sayings in life have always been, “live life to the fullest” and “a smile will always brighten someone’s day.”

As you can probably tell by those sayings, I’m a very bubbly and friendly kind of person and always enjoy meeting new people, let it be online or in everyday life 🙂

I’m a MASSIVE supernatural fan and some day dream to meet the cast. I would also love to one day travel the world bit by bit. I’ve already traveled to some places: Africa, Florida, USA, Turkey, Spain and Ibiza.

I don’t class myself as having a creative outlet, but I do love doing arts and crafts with my son.  We do things like animals from pom poms or flowers out of tissue paper and baking cakes to decorate 🙂 (Jodi here again – CREATIVE ALERT, WOMAN! GREAT STUFF!!)

Awesome tissue paper flowers made by Kelly and her son Marc!

Awesome tissue paper flowers made by Kelly and her son Marc!


I blew my diet just looking at this pic - it all looks AMAZING, Kelly!!!

I blew my diet just looking at this pic – it all looks AMAZING, Kelly!!! Very creative  – and I love the Moose!!

I prefer handmade jewelry most because it’s more personal, made with care and unique. Plus I’ve always preferred to help out small business than to spend money in a shop that doesn’t need it or care if they get it or not.

The kind of pieces I enjoy when it comes to jewelry is gems and stones and anything shiny (swear I was a magpie in my past life).  I prefer silver to gold as I feel gold always looks dull and fake but silver always looks new and shiny.

I like wire work as long as it’s done right there are some jewelry I have seen in the past with wire work on and it just looks out of place or like it was rushed or just added for no reason

I have to say when I found Eldwenne’s Fantasy Quality Handmade Jewelry by Jodi Zulueta I fell in love straight away.

I was looking at Supernatural jewelry online and came across etsy. When I looked on there a few people’s shops come up, but I saw a piece in Eldwenne’s and went to that one and I couldn’t stop looking!

As soon as my birthday came around and my other half asked what I wanted, I knew straight away.  The hard part was to pick what I wanted most, lol! I’ve always wanted a salt ‘n burn necklace but could never find one design I liked. So when I sent Jodi all the pictures of the ones I liked,  I left her to design it and somehow she knew exactly what I was after.  It was PERFECT –my dream necklace and I love showing it off everywhere I go!!!!  Jewelry from Eldwenne’s Fantasy is made with love and care and every bit in its own way personal to each person.

A salt 'n burn necklace with a pentagram, an angel wing, a pistol, and a handstamped Salt n Burn charm! Kelly's ready to face everything from vengeful spirits to demons!

A salt ‘n burn necklace with a pentagram, an angel wing, a vial of salt, a pistol, and a handstamped Salt & Burn charm! Kelly’s ready to face everything from vengeful spirits to demons!

And most of all, it’s all done in a friendly way. Jodi spoke to me and kept me updated every step of the way.  It was not a case of ‘yeah, thanks for your money, you’ll get it when you get it…’  I felt nothing but safe buying from Eldwenne’s.

Jodi again – WOW, thank you so much, Kelly!!  You rock!!  And I must say your little one and other half make a lovely family!  So proud to have my pieces in such good company!

Kelly brought up some things that I take to heart – one of the most important elements of my work is that it’s personal.  Each piece I make is not only made exactly for you, but the buying experience itself is always personalized as well.

Every time someone purchases something from www.eldwenne.etsy.com, I contact the buyer to thank them, ensure I know proper sizing if they’ve not already indicated, and to let them know there’s a human being behind every piece.

When you receive your order, you get a handwritten thank you from me as well.

It’s that personal touch that I’m also going to be applying to my new upcoming career – teaching.  I’m putting it out there right now – I am NEVER stopping my jewelry business.  I will continue Eldwenne’s Fantasy both online and at Salute to Supernatural conventions!

In two weeks I’ll be in Nashville to begin my training with Teach for America.  It’s going to be hard for many reasons; it’s a rigorous program, and I’ll be away from my family from June 1 through July 18.  Forty-eight days.  Then I come back to New Jersey, round up the troops and we move down to Tennessee permanently.

On May 23, we are rounding up a group of our friends and family for a “Farewell New Jersey” party – we are going to venture into New York City (which counts as a farewell to New Jersey-trust me on this), watch the brand spanking new X-Men movie, then venture back into New Jersey and grab a bite.  Going out in true geek fashion.

If you can be in the metro area on May 23 to catch a 7pm showing, please contact me so you can join us!  It’ll be a blast!

And now I leave you with the newest additions to the Supernatural Inspired Necklace Series: The Strength of Jody Mills and The Duplicity of Gabriel!

The Strength of Jody Mills

The Strength of Jody Mills – Sam and Dean Winchester are lucky to have her!


The Duplicity of Gabriel

The Duplicity of Gabriel – you never know who you’re dealing with!


Customer Feature – Adina!!

Jodi here – Adina is one of the most passionate souls I’ve met through this glorious fandom we call the SPN Family.

 A little selfie action with me and the amazing Adina!

A little selfie action with me and the amazing Adina!


Adina is the epitome of what the fandom really means to me – warm, compassionate, driven, supportive, and has an impeccable taste for quality, handmade jewelry (ok, so sue me, lol!)

 Seriously though – this woman rocks and as you read through her interview you’re gonna see exactly how and why.

 Take it away, Adina!

Tell us a little bit about yourself, anything you’re comfortable sharing, work, family, philosophy, etc. Also, if you have a website or a brick & mortar business, please feel free to include that here!

I like to describe myself as dedicated and passionate; also, a deep fangirl. I love analyzing characters and plots.

In my “regular” life, I work for a healthcare consulting firm, fighting insurance denials for hospitals. I’ve been working at the same place for about 10 years, starting at entry level, and recently was promoted to supervisor.

On the side, I’m a certified graphic & web designer (www.squarepins.org) and that spills over into my fandom life. I’ll come back to this for the creative question! I also have a Fandom Page on FB: http://www.facebook.com/AdinaRJ I include celebrity birthdays, fun pics, and encourage interactions.

Just LOOK at the creative ohoto op this woman did with Jensen and Jared! Please come  check out her FB page and Like it!  It's addictive!

Just LOOK at the creative ohoto op this woman did with Jensen and Jared! Please come check out her FB page and Like it! It’s addictive!

Do you have any creative outlets? Tell us about them and if you have photos of your work, please feel free to share!

I do have creative outlets! I’m a computer graphic designer by hobby and side business. I mentioned my website earlier (www.squarepins.org). I have designed book covers as well as custom websites. I also make fandom graphics such as The Year of Winchesters, which was my desktop wallpaper for several years. I don’t currently write fanfic, but I did dabble in it for several fandoms over the years. I’m always analyzing shows and thinking “what if” – it just hardly ever turns into an actual story!


Adina's Graphic Design Biz - Square Pins! LOVE the designs, Adina!!

Adina’s Graphic Design Biz – Square Pins! LOVE the designs, Adina!!


A fang-tastic (stop groaning, you know you giggled) book cover Adina designed - which is available on Amazon!

A fang-tastic (stop groaning, you know you giggled) book cover Adina designed – which is available on Amazon!


A Year of Winchesters - Adina knows how to pick 'em!!

A Year of Winchesters – Adina knows how to pick ’em!!

Who would've thunk that Chuck + Lucifer = adorable graphics! I LOVE Adina's work!

Who would’ve thunk that Chuck + Lucifer = adorable graphics! I LOVE Adina’s work!


What draws you to handmade jewelry as opposed to store-bought, factory manufactured pieces?

I think it’s the personal touch that goes into it. Also, the ability to customize – I went up to Jodi and said “Hey, can you do something like this, but a little different like this?” and she was able to do it right then and there! It’s the knowledge that no one else has something exactly like yours.

Adina and Ally! Wonder Twin Powers ACTIVATE!  Form of...TWO AWESOME SPN bracelets!

Adina and Ally! Wonder Twin Powers ACTIVATE! Form of…TWO AWESOME SPN bracelets!


What types of pieces stand out to you, for example, wire work, crystals, etc., and why?

I would say I notice the crystals first, but I’m more likely to buy the hammered sayings because I’m all about the quotes!

Adina wearing the "Today is Tuesday, but Yesterday was Tuesday Too!" necklace which goes smashingly with her Mystery Spot shirt!

Adina wearing the “Today is Tuesday, but Yesterday was Tuesday Too!” necklace which goes smashingly with her Mystery Spot shirt!


Is there something about Eldwenne’s Fantasy – Quality Handmade Jewelry by Jodi Zulueta that stands out to you?

Jodi herself is so personable and friendly! Her work is lovely and it’s a pleasure to buy from her. Plus, her stuff is different than the typical charms bracelets and necklaces.


Adina wearing a one of a kind piece designed by my son, Phoenix!

Adina wearing a one of a kind piece designed by my son, Phoenix!


Wow – THANK YOU ADINA!  I really look forward to seeing you again! Maybe DCCon???

That’s right – I’ll be at DCCon this coming May!  And not only will I be there – my whole clan will be there too!  You’ll get to meet my amazing kids and husband.  I might be able to take a bathroom break at this convention – look out!  After all that hard work training myself to not pee for 12 straight hours…

I’m in the midst of creating a brand new contest for this upcoming convention since the Crowley vs. Abaddon election was such a great hit! And thanks again to Mark Sheppard and Alaina Huffman for being amazing sports and joining in my madness!

I’m also still holding a promotion that will be ongoing until I get what I want, lol!  If ANYONE has the divine influence to get Mark Sheppard to take a selfie wearing my “King of Hell” leather cuff bracelet I made him – I will give you The Deception of Crowley necklace for free!

You can win this necklace!

You can win this necklace!

So in the meantime, I’ll be working on developing the new contest for DCCon.

Are YOU going to DCCon?  If so and there’s something you’d like me to have ready and waiting for you there, drop me a line!  Either convo me in etsy through my shop at www.eldwenne.etsy.com, or you can reach me on FB at my Eldwenne’s Fantasy page at www.facebook.com/EldwennesFantasy – oh and by the way – I tend to get very VERY generous to peeps who share my links, retweets, etc – so, I’m just sayin’ ; )

And don’t forget I still have a special promotion running for my SPN Necklace series:

My Supernatural-Inspired Necklace series!  Available at my marked down convention price and FREE US SHIPPING!

Castiel’s Grace, The Deception of Crowley, The Purification of Sam Winchester, The Tenacity of Dean Winchester. Unfortunately The Heart of Castiel is no longer available, but version 2 of this design will be out soon!

These pieces are all marked down to the special convention price of $35 each (regular price is between $40-45) and free US shipping.

This special offer ends on April 15!  Please note, The Heart of Castiel is no longer available, however, I am creating a second version of this piece that will be presented on this upcoming Two for Supernatural Tuesday posts on FB, Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram! Come follow me!  I’m @eldwenne of course!

Next week’s post is going to be something very special – I had the honor of meeting a beautiful young woman named Brittany – she will be doing a guest post for me and it’s going to be extremely powerful.  Stay tuned and see ya’ll next week!

My Featured Victim, Er, Customer – Judy G!

Jodi: Judy is quite an amazing woman.

The Lovely Judy G!

The Lovely Judy G!

I did an interview with her in May 2013 – you should check it out


I wanted to do a follow up interview with some fun questions this time around, so, without further ado, take it away, Judy!

What new and exciting ventures have you gotten involved with since your last feature? How did you get involved and what new things are on the horizon for you for 2014?
For 30+ years (since I was a teenager) I have been overweight and in the last 15+ years I have been the unwilling recipient of various health problems (many of which are made worse because of being overweight). So last summer I made the decision to seek the help of a Bariatric Doctor.  I met with the Doc last August and hopefully if all goes well, I will be having Gastric Bypass Surgery this March to be able to finally lose weight and keep it off.  I am so excited about this new “adventure” in my life. 
2014 is going to be the year I take care of “ME”!!!!
Judy after beginning her journey and losing 18 pounds!  WHOO HOO!

Judy after beginning her journey and losing 18 pounds! WHOO HOO!

 Judy Baby Shirt
If you could have a superpower for 24 hours, what would it be and why?
To be able to pick the correct lottery numbers so to win lots of money to share with and help lots and lots of people. But really any superpower that allows me to help others would be awesome. (Jodi here – Judy – you already have that superpower!)
The Winchesters knock on your door and tell you that you need to evacuate your home immediately because apparently that gorgeous vase you bought from the antique dealer is a cursed object – the last three owners of that vase wound up having an overwhelming urge to sing Barry Manilow songs off key until their eardrums exploded. 
Everything you own is completely accessible but you are only allowed to grab three things and they have to be completely shallow. What would they be and why? And Dean Winchester doesn’t count as one of them! 
My cell phone, my laptop and an extra pair of flip flops.
cell phone – I can’t seem to live without it (and need to have it ready for Dean and/or Sam when they call me)
laptop – can’t live without it either (I need to stay in touch with the cyberworld and may need it to help   look up info for Dean & Sam)
flip flops – Cause my tootsies always look awesome in flip flops and I gotta look good when I go out on the town with Dean.
Back to semi-serious – I’ve always found that humor has been a great way of getting me through some bumps in the road. What do you do to get through tough times? 
Laughter is def the best medicine.  I do look for humor and sunshine when it’s dark and cloudy.
I rely on my family & friends for the needed support –
My hubs is good at holding me and wiping away the tears.
My sister is my bestest friend – we’ve been through thick n thin together and boy the stories we could tell yah.  Most would keep you rolling on the floor.
My best friend Courtney is the much needed humor for any issue or problem.  She can keep you laughing till your sides burst. (Like when she thought “Keyless Entry” meant her car didn’t come equipped with a key hole.
What keeps,you coming back to Eldwenne’s Fantasy? (And will you come back even after that Barry Manilow question?)
I have returned to Eldwenne’s Fantasy several times because your jewelry is WOWSOME!!! The pieces you make each have their own “spirit”.  They can be statement pieces or pieces to compliment something else.
And the compliments I receive on each item I wear lets me know that your jewelry speaks to everyone.
YES!!! I will definitely come back again and again for more jewelry (Barry Manilow can’t keep me away from my fave jewelry lady.
Wow – THANK YOU, JUDY!!  We’re all so proud of you and look forward to more updates on your journey of doing something that’s incredibly difficult for all of us, but often neglected – taking care of OURSELVES!  Kudos to you, m’lady!!
VegasCon Update
I am now officially in stress mode – I had a dream that I had a dream about VegasCon.  Yes, you read that correctly.  I dreamt that the vendors room was in some god-awful, dark, dank,  basement the size of a closet and that my table consisted of a 3’x3′ desk.  Then I woke up and realized, “Whew!  It was only a dream.”  Only to still be in a dream.  And the vendor’s room was still in a god-awful, dark, dank basement the size of a closet with a 3’x3′ desk.
Then I woke up.  An hour late!!  My boys had to stay home from school.  I can tell you they were SO broken up about it.  It took hours to console them.
Ive been working my tail off with tons of cool new designs PLUS I’ve got some really cool new items that I’ll be selling, like my ode to Bobby Singer – an Idjit flask!
All of my designs are available at http://www.eldwenne.etsy.com
Bobby?  Is that you?

Bobby? Is that you?

As well as some brand new coffin jewelry boxes and more bookmarks and keychains, oh my! And I’m going to be having a MEGA cool contest there!  More details to come!
Tastes Like Molecules...

Tastes Like Molecules…

Pentagrams and Red Crystals Bracelet

Pentagrams and Red Crystals Bracelet

Ultimate Castiel Bracelet

Ultimate Castiel Bracelet

There's Nothing, Past or Present, That I Would Put in Front of You

There’s Nothing, Past or Present, That I Would Put in Front of You

Are YOU going to VegasCon??  Come say hi to me and my friend, author Kat Sloan!  She and I will be hosting some fun giveaways that weekend!!  Come check out Kat’s site at http://www.katsloan.com – her brand new book, Half Blood, can be bought directly from her site and you can read all about her plans at VegasCon, including a meet and greet with her!

Half Blood - The Lycanthropire Saga written by Kat Sloan

Half Blood – The Lycanthropire Saga written by Kat Sloan

Come follow her on twitter @katsloan7 and see her FB page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheLycanthropireSaga/
Thanks again to the lovely Judy G and check back with me next week for yet another fabulous customer feature – Ana Marie S!!  YES – two customer features in one month!  Look out!
Until next week, by ya’ll!